

New Eden Police Force
United Caldari Space Command.
Name New Eden Police Force
Ticker -NEPF
Alliance United Caldari Space Command.
Faction Caldari State
Ceo Fire Venom
Members 37
Tax Rate 5%
corporationID 98407112

Members [37]


100% Anti-Pirate. FW, PVP & PVE oriented based on Teamwork, fun & Newbro guidance.

NO OBLIGATIONS or MANDATORY OPS, its a game, you play when you want ;O)

New Eden's assigned Police Forces.

To all who would change the face of New Eden.

It is up to us, as pilots, to manipulate the course of events in the world we live in.

Wile some choose to join a corporation who has the sole purpose of preying on the weak, new, or inexperienced pilots of EVE, forming part of a larger organization who ruins the experience for players and eventually disrupts their game play to the point they no longer enter our world.

There are others who choose to defend the rights of players to not be taken advantage of. To fly alongside pilots who are willing to take the fight to the enemy. To eliminate pirates where they live. Changing the face of low security space into a safe and profitable area. Maybe enough to push pirates back into 0.0 space where they belong.

New Eden Police Force is bringing new content to old areas. "A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step" -Laozi- . Take your first step today and enjoy EVE to is fullest.

-Vadik Volkov
New Eden Police Force

*Friendly fire active due to our PVP training operations that allow us to practice within the corp without NPC intervention in highsec.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2024-11-15 21:37:52
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